Coatimundi Middle School students were recognized at the 11.28.23 Governing Board Meeting for the group project they submitted at the Santa Cruz County Fair. "The Wild West" submission.
According to CtMS Art Teacher, Mr. Mcllrath, "I am impressed! These kids worked hard on the project. From conception to completion, I couldn't be more proud of our students. They were given a challenge, a specific theme from the county, "The Wild West," and they definitely ran with it. Sure, there were challenges as in any group project but, they knew they had a deadline to meet. So at victory's end, I am just very happy and excited for them. They earned that trophy."
Board members were pleasantly surprised as students each brought an individual piece that highlighted their talents.
Students who participated in "The Wild West" project include: 7 Brihan Valenzuela Moreno
7 Camila Chavez, 7 Johanna Millanes, 7 Javier Ibarra Roman, 7 Mia Ahumada, 7 Mia De La Rosa
8 Emely Ramirez, 8 Mia Ramos, 8 Karol Martinez Cordoba, 8 Maria Martinez Cordoba, 8 Gabriella Gonzales, 8 Calvin Medina, 8 Tathiana Guerrero, 8 Annalee Zavala, 6 Isabella Lopez, 6 Kamila Avila Hernandez, 6 Pedro Martinez-Canez, 6 Nathalia Hernandez, 6 Natalie Ayala, 6 Emma Franks